A collection of illustrations I created for The Onion, The AV Club, The Takeout, and Clickhole.


Illustration for The Takeout article, How to make Lazyoli, the emergency aioli for urgent dipping needs

Illustration for The Takeout article, A muggle eats her way through Harry Potter's magical universe

Illustration for The Takeout article, I tried very hard to cook with Flamin' Hot Cheetos

Illustration for The Takeout article, “How to play god with fruit: a guide to ripening”

Illustration for The Takeout article, “Do not consider the lobster”

Illustration for The Takeout article, Which summer greens should you tear, snip, or chop?

Illustration for The Takeout article, “Should you ever wash sharp knives in the dishwasher?”

Illustration for The Takeout article, How to quickly DIY a pizza with whatever's in your kitchen

Illustration for The Takeout article, “How do food TV hosts eat gracefully on camera?”

Illustration for The Takeout article, “Gwen's “More Stuff” Stuffed Peppers will win over young and old”

Illustration for The Takeout article, “Who's perverting their beer with a pickle spear? (The Midwest, duh)”

Illustration for The Takeout article “What’s your favorite comfort food?”

Illustrated badges for for The Takeout's series, “Hangover Helper”

Illustration for The Takeout article, “If you can shingle ravioli, you can make lazy lasagna”

Illustration for The Takeout review, “You don’t have to love hippie food to love Hippie Food)”

Illustration for The Takeout article, “What’s the fastest way to chill wine?”

Illustration for The Takeout article, “The Takeout's guide to the best cookbooks of the century so far”

Illustration for The Takeout feature, “What's a chocolate egg cream? (And why does it contain neither egg nor cream?)”

Illustration for The Takeout feature, “Everything I know about life I learned at Al's Deli”

Illustration for The Takeout article, “What’s the best way to keep herbs fresh? ”

Illustration for The Takeout article, “The Kate soup experiment, day 1: lasagna soup”

Illustration for The Takeout article, “What's the difference between all those international yogurts?”

Illustrated badges for for The Takeout's series, “Unhealthy Salads Week”

Illustrated badges for for The Takeout's series, “Pastry School”